Category: General Interest

Elements Massage offers 10 ways to manage your stress now that the election is over.

Elements Massage debunks massage myths that scare clients the most.

There's always room for a little self improvement and Elements Massage has some tips to get people started.

As Denver fans continue their celebrations over Sunday's win, many folks are still recovering from their day of indulgence. Elements Massageā¢, a national massage franchise, says it's okay to cheat a day, as long as it doesn't become routine. The therapists recommend adding regular, therapeutic massage, as part of a long-term health and wellness program.

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the U.S every year, which is why the government dedicates the entire month of February to raising heart health awareness. High blood pressure is the biggest contributor to heart attacks and stroke, so finding ways to control it, like receiving a therapeutic massage regularly, is key. What better way to share and feel the love this Valentine's Day than with the gift of massage?